Medical Malpractice
If you have been injured as a result of a medical provider’s negligence, then you may be entitled to recover money for your damages. Don’t face the tough times alone. Schedule a free consultation with Attorney Evert today.
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What you need to know
What is medical malpractice? Medical malpractice claims include failure to diagnose medical conditions, failure to properly treat a medical condition, prescription drug errors, and wrongful death resulting from the above. These are serious cases that require an experienced attorney.
Medical malpractice in the U.S. Virgin Islands is very technically complicated and highly limited in terms of how much you may recover. Attorney Evert is one of the few attorneys in the U.S. Virgin Islands who has decades of experience in navigating the medical malpractice procedural hurdles necessary for obtaining results for clients.
In order to win a medical malpractice suit, the injured party must show that the physician acted negligently in rendering care. To do so, four legal elements must be proven:
Duty: a professional duty owed to the patient
Dereliction: a breach of such duty
Direct Cause: injury caused by the breach
Damages: the resulting damages
Attorney Evert has experience with a wide variety of medical malpractice cases and is equipped with the knowledge and resources that you need to navigate through filing a medical malpractice suit. Book your free consultation today and get the peace of mind that you deserve.